Chargers HC Brandon Staley Previews 2021 Draft Philosophy, “You gotta have a long-term vision” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE



Staley gonna win us a SB before McVay and the Rams. You saw it here first.

    Stephen Ash

    Don’t jinx us like when Machado bet his salary padres would win the WS before the dodgers lol

Justin Herbert The pervert

In Staley We Trust


So pumped for this draft. I know they will kill it.

    Nick T

    Can’t wait

Sonny D.

This man is going to bring this team a Super Bowl win. In Staley we trust.


“Build a team on both sides of the ball, and the kicking game”- It sounds obvious but I liked that he mentioned special teams. That was arguably the weakest aspect of the Chargers last year.

    Luis Ibarra

    Not even arguably. It was. Couldn’t agree more tho I have way more trust in Staley then Lynn

k j

This head coach carousel that has been the chargers every 4 years… hope this dude is it for us.

    Micah Partee

    It feels different this time

    Andrew C

    Doesn’t do coach speak, focuses on analytics, is an absolute football nut like Sean McVay and Belichick, and isn’t some flashy OC that has been in the league for years like Norv Turner, Anthony Lynn, and Mike McCoy. Staley is a very different hire from all of the other Chargers HCs.

    Micah Partee

    @Andrew C would you even call them “flashy oc’s though? Honestly when I look bad I cannot understand why any of these guys were hired when you’ve got guys like Staley and bienemy laying around. Wasted years for Philip

Victoria Rikki


Noah Litman

This man is gunna bring us that ring 💍

Julian Lopez

Can’t wait till the draft


Staley could read a grocery list and I’d be intrigued to listen. Seems like a great speaker and critical thinker. Hopefully it translates to the HC position! (I think it will.) ⚡⬆️

    Aaron Adams

    Right ?! 😂😂

Andre Ecija

Yes sir I’m excited for the Draft on Thursday Bolt Up

Ricardo C


    Aaron Adams

    We can only hope 😭 Sewell has said himself he wants to play for us! And Herbert hinted at us hopefully drafting him as well 👀👀 BOLT UP! ⚡️⚡️

Luckk Stockton

Did ya peep the players they put up there hmmm physical players

Dannypush Pop

Let’s all take a moment to appreciate how great Haley Elwood has been ⚡⬆️ look at her energy year after year, she’s one of us 👌

    Chazz v37


    Dannypush Pop

    @Chazz v37 for acknowledging her skill and consistency?

    Greg Sudol

    Yup. She does a great job and you know for women like her it’s hard to get appreciation for their work and not other things. Very impressed with her football knowledge these past few years.

Aaron Adams

Don’t wanna be too excited to quick as a chargers fan but I’m loving what I’ve heard from Staley and our free agency signings so far. Bolt up baby

Ken Mccune

Good luck coach Stanley draft the best players coming in the NFL

Francis Béland

I like everything coach Staley is saying since he’s been hired. I’m cautiously optimistic about him but man he seems like what this team needs. I’ve been disappointed so many times in the past so I’ll be careful being too hyped.


LFG!!! Bolt up baby!⚡️⚡️⚡️

Yasin Rahim

I’m not saying I like him until we are in the win column week after week

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