Celebrating Women’s History Month with Taryn Simmons – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Celebrating Women’s History Month with Taryn Simmons

On this episode of "The Snap," Sydney Jones and Alexis Perry are joined by Justin Simmons' wife, Taryn Simmons, to cap off The Snap's Women's History Month campaign. Taryn joins Sydney and Alexis to discuss Justin's new long-term deal and what it means for their family. She talks about her continued work in the community, how her experience as a Division I basketball player has inspired her to give back to young female athletes and the progress she's seen in women sports. Want more of "The Snap"? Subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, TuneIn, Stitcher or wherever you find your podcasts. Make sure to leave a rating and review.

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Erik Ramos

Great Snap show and interview!! Let’s go Broncos!!

Jammin GI James

So proud to have y’all reppin us! Great topics too!

King RaZe

Always a great insight

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