Assessing George Paton’s first moves in free agency | Broncos Beat – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
GoatGagePlays 18

Awesome vid

Rich Dillon

Now we need Lock to step up but looking good


    If he steps up we are a playoff team just play decent to I’m not even talking great just good

    KD's Trilogy


    Líl Rìchy

    Don’t listen to this fool kd’s trilogy he’s having a tamper tantrum

    Caleb Jennum

    @KD’s Trilogy hater

    Swayam Jain

    Ya needs chemistry with recivers and he needs to work on his Decision making can’t make dumb risky throws. Shurmur also needs to call better plays. We chose him over Lindsay. And o-line needs to step up. We already know bolles will be amazing and we needs risner and cushenberry to step up and Glasgow. And James needs to be better he hasn’t shown up for him.

Brian Groover

Very happy about free agency & bringing back Von & Shelby. Now we can go get Parsons or Lance at 9 or even trade back & pick up J OK.

    Lilrozy Gaming

    I am very excited about the new free agents

    Steven Sevieria

    Lance won’t be there at 9

    Brian Groover

    @Steven Sevieria I’m sure he won’t

    Brady Mor

    Panthers will definitely take tray lance at 8. Trevor Wilson and fields will be gone top five

    Brady Mor

    If lance even makes it that far

Pedro Moura

Go Broncos!!!!

Líl Rìchy

Lock will improve and prove all the haters wrong 🤫😈

    Caleb Jennum

    @Ayden Xavier exactly


    Fellas… I have been a die-hard Broncos fan since my kindergarten days and I have had a love for football ever since I can remember and as much as I would love to say that the Broncos are superbowl bound, the sad fact of the matter is that Drew Lock is NOT the QB of the future and in all honesty I would be surprised if he keeps his starting position for the entire upcoming season. Personally I’d rather start Uncle Rico or Ray Finkle even… #Dont shoot the messenger 💁🏼‍♀️

    Bontrager Shadow

    Man I wonder how people acted in Elway’s first few seasons. Lock has only played 18 games, sheesh

    r rod

    Right on brother I’m all in on drew lock
    Kid has got all the tools

    Simple one

    @Lol It’s_Lipi well last season he didn’t have his offseason improve to get to know everyone

Donovon Cowley

I just pray and hope they all stay healthy. This defense can be scary. I just want them too figure the quarterback out.

    Swayam Jain

    Definitely I think lock is fine he just needs chemistry with recivers and he needs to improve on making dumb risky decisions. And shurmur needs to call better plays. Lock has 77% completion percentage and if we have a good run game we will have a lot of success with play action and success with the deep ball. Especially with Sutton back. I have all the confidence we’re a playoff team with this defense and offense

    Swayam Jain

    @really haterz ya fields will succeed in a vertical style offense and shurmur I’m pretty sure is vertical style and he is known for the deep ball so maybe he can work out for us. And his mobility can add another aspect to this offense. I hope we get him but I don’t think he’ll fall to us unless falcons don’t take a qb and panthers take lance instead of fields. But if he’s available we got to get him

    really haterz

    @Swayam Jain if not fields I want mac jones. Accurate passer and he doesn’t turn over. I like mac jones over lance idk why


    @Adilson Rodrigues Agreed 🙌🏽

    Swayam Jain

    @really haterz there both raw prosopectd honestly


Great episode yall

gabe salehrabi

We’ve been doing great in free agency

Stew Meat

3 new Broncos fighting for the rights to wear the number 23 😂

Cab tab


really haterz

Let’s go broncos country 🔥 now let’s get Justin fields and Jarvil jox later on

Jess C. 13

If our offense can figure it out we can be alright! Come on O, tired of the defense carrying the team!

Tom Bosley

Conclude this with a great draft, maybe another FA steal, and its all on Lock. Lets go Broncos!


Oml if we take Jones at 9. I’ll loose it. I bet Micha Parsons will be there and if we pass him up for a Bama QB…… I’ll loose it

Gabriel Montemayor Esparza

Wilson would be a perfect fit for this system but I also hope that Lock can prove us wrong


Just resigned Kareem 1 year 5 million.
The stars have aligned. It’s a done deal now. Welcome Micah Parsons.

Steven Greenwalt

Kareem Jackson back!
S ✔

Taylor Buchanan-martin

If we can stay healthy thats a number 1 defense for real we just need to get our offense to to top 10 atleast

Shawn Bauer

Paton knows what he’s doing for sure, and I’m excited to see what else he’s got planned! If we stock up on our offense, like we have with our Defense, we will do good, to say THE LEAST!

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