Marcus Maye Postgame Press Conference (at Patriots) | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jesse Thermer

Extend him.


Please re-sign him

Carlos Guevara

Is gase gone for good?


    We can only hope


Wow the season is finally over! Marcus Maye was one of the only bright spots from this season.

MinePlay 512

We need Maye. Please keep him!

Nolan Kahrar

Re sign him one of the only bright spots on our team this season

Aidyn Alberto

Awesome 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️

Ralph Malph

Bring Marcus back… nuff said.

The Sports Kid

Keep Maye

Highly Skeptical

Gotta resign Marcus… my favorite Jet.


I’ve got bad news for everyone that wants to re-sign him, he doesn’t want to come back to this mess.

    Ken Oh

    he said he wants to stay in an indirect way. he said that he wants stability and he likes to stay in the same place for a long time


Give this man a $4 billion contract for all I care just extend him

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