Chiefs vs. Broncos Week 13 Recap | Chiefs Rewind – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Esc Mesc

Why didn’t y’all challenge the tyreek catch that woulda clinched me a playoff spot 😭😭


    No joke, I’ve never seen our punt run out so fast! What a wild series of events. Ha! 11-1.


    Def a catch tip & caught on the side of his helmet def should challenge that

Joe O'Malley

Kelce had a hell of a game. It wasn’t pretty, but one of those “grind it out” kinda games for the Chiefs.

    Bart Simpson

    @Derek Mathews ur funny people can keep underestimating them its cool

    Derek Mathews

    @Bart Simpson, I’m telling you facts and to just laugh it off. That’s all. They do the same thing to the Chiefs all the time. That’s how I know the Chiefs are an elite team.

    Bart Simpson

    @Derek Mathews I never said the Chiefs were not a good team so

    Derek Mathews

    @Bart Simpson, I’m not talking about you. I’m just talking about the people who say things like the Chiefs barely won, they have been exposed things of that nature. It’s beyond ridiculous. It happens every time the Chiefs win a close game and don’t blow people out.

    Bart Simpson

    @Derek Mathews same for a Pittsburg fan


Can Adam Tischer ask a relevant question? Ugh. Get rid of him PLEASE.


    I can’t believe he was seen as a good option let alone who was hired by ESPN… always lacks insight and always trying with questions that either make him look like an idiot or trying to stir the pot.

    big lea


Eleia Barnes

I call for a full investigation into the refs for this game. I’m not a diehard Chiefs fan. However, I hate when the refs attempt to decide the outcome of a game.

    sinatala Sua

    That delay of game during the fill goal attempt 😤😤😤

    Derek Mathews

    @sinatala Sua, yes that was BS


    @sinatala Sua –
    Ball was snapped at :01
    I was screaming at the zebras. They work for oddsmakers

    Carolyn Dougherty

    @vrum255 no

Benjamin Wachold

Gotta score touchdowns in the Red Zone.

Neil Sasaki

Who gives this a thumbs down? Lol. Other AFC West fans? Go Chiefs!

Cameron Jones

these refs were stealing it any chance they could get… it was insane how many calls were obviously fixed

Frankie Gumdrops

We gotta stop toying with this ‘pretend we’re a running team’ thing. Our best play on offense, every play, is with the ball in Mahomes’ hand.

    Derek Mathews

    You are right about that.



Bucky Fiden

Mahomes/Hill robbed out of two TD passes.

    Derek Mathews

    Yes indeed. I saw that.

K.C. Elemenopy

I love how humble the guys are off the field. They are ‘competitive pricks” on the field, though. Lol

SMH Really?

Skip bayless giving all the thumbs down.

tambi vailes

a good game Denver showed up to play football today. It doesn’t matter.
When you going to get the {DEMCHIEFS}

Donald A

I still find it hard to believe we got burned on the first TD and yes I know we could have challenged the ruling. It was a Live Ball because it never hit the ground 🥺. Granted a win is a win whether it’s by an inch or by a mile.

KChiefs Fan

Excellent game with great end Brother. Go Chiefs

Conrad Smith

It should not require 35 seconds to ask a question…

Conrad Smith

With a follow-up question of 21 seconds…get to the point!

Call Me a Cab

The run defense is porous at best * shoulder high attempted tackles would have you doing windsprints at my highschool. Fundamentals – take out the legs – follow through – don’t stop til you hear the whistle

Dan The Driver

Hey Patrick, How did it feel to score a TD?

Well I was indifferent about it, I worry about the Oompa Loompas in the chocolate factory and think about the football scene in Flash Gordon and all the great ketchup recipes….

What a dumb question!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frank Furlacker

Red zone offense is a major concern. Noticed it all season.

Theo Lee

Hats off to broncos. But we are the hunted. But when it counts we will deliver this team has fortatude. 🏹🏹🏈🏈🏃🏃😅😅👈👀

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