Detroit Lions vs. Houston Texans | 2020 Week 12 Matt Patricia postgame press conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

I think the Like-Dislike Ratio sums up what Lions fans think about the coaching this season.

    Boobie Gibson

    Shut up kid crudi

    Word Gaming


Ace Outlaw

9-7 is not good enough


I guarantee he won’t get fired

Tim Besco, RN

“We gotta keep putting in the hard work, and persevere.” Another way of saying: “We’re going to keep doing the same thing over & over.”
Definition of stupidity? Repeating the same mistakes over & over.

Scotty Boy

Ain’t no one in that locker room, it’s you!!!!! Just quit

Scotty Boy

The turkeys done, get him out of the oven for the love of god!

    Hari BushSr

    Unfortunately this turkey is burnt! Fried beyond description. I’m amazed he can even show his face in public.

Scotty Boy

Question, “why hasn’t this worked?”
Looooong pause

    Jason White

    And he responds with the same tired, burned out platitudes. So insulting.


    Long pause, aka – “have no freakin clue what im doing”

Scotty Boy

We gotta coach better, can’t wait till I never hear that crap again

Scotty Boy

Maybe you shouldn’t have gave Tate n slay away!

Eric Craven

I don’t believe they will fire him. Honestly. It’s a gut feeling

Jason White

Sheila, time to show Detroit sports fans how much you care about winning. Or not.

Ivory O

Houston is not a good ball club u goof can the ford family fire him already boycott lions until they do


Been over since his first game as HC. Absolutely pathetic

Pachey Cole

Look he can’t answer the question WHY ISN’T IT WORKING PATRICIA 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬👋🏿👋🏿👋🏿👋🏿👋🏿why isn’t your BS Schemes working

MG Butler

I’d watch the team again, but they need to fire the coach and GM first. This was the best Thanksgiving I’ve had in ages, and I owe it all thanks to not watching the Lions, it was amazing!

Hari BushSr

Listen to this Press Conference. There is no life in the guy’s voice. He has been beaten down like a rabid animal and frankly, can’t wait to get outta’ Detroit. When asked what is better with the team this year compared to last year he had not a single answer. What a disgrace and yet Martha and the Ford clowns leave the guy floundering like fish outta’ water! Put him outta his misery! NOW!

Andy Reed

That damn pencil just become more and more infuriating to look at. This clown was never a defensive whiz.

Carson Claws

I’ve gotten to the point now where I’m expecting the lions to lose. I used to love watching lions games growing up and now it’s almost laughable to watch this team. Our ownership is just flat out terrible and something needs to change or else it’s going to be the same team every year like it’s always been.

    jimmy e

    Just like U of M. Football dies in Michigan

Bazzi Gaming

Can I at least wake up with a “Breaking News: Lions fired Matt Patricia after going 13-29-1”?

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