Adam Gase Press Conference (11/27) | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
MinePlay 512

I hate to say that things just look bad. Reality sucks and I left reality. We are better off playing some NBA 2K or some games to forget about reality.

carlos montecillo

3:48 – Subtle shot at Sam. Hey Adam, instead of giving us long monologues why not help your QB to be as effective as Tua. Scheme better. You seem pretty enthusiastic there complementing Tua. As fans we dont care. Also, we know your organization is tanking. At least give us credit…we’re observant too.

    Mike Pelligrino

    Darnold is pathetic. Even Gase wants a better QB.

Mike Pelligrino

Wouldnt it be terrible if Gase won 3 games down the stretch and SAVED HIS JOB!!!


The 1 like is Adam Gase

Nicholas Denes

How are you 0-10 and calling out the media for being negative πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


I’m here to watch the 0-10 weasel squirm, through his meaningless word-salad babble, of a press conference. πŸ™ƒ

Btw, he seems to be developing this constant need to FLIRT with Rich Cimini of ESPN! He doesn’t do it with any other beat writer. He seems to almost go out of his way for it! What’s with that? πŸ€”Β 

Brian Costello of The Post must be beside himself with jealousy! Β For it is known no one’s in love the weasel more than him! 😍😘 😜

Scott Kerstetter

Should we read anything into the lack of a Jets logo on Gase’s hat?

Insert name here

Why is he looking up? Strange considering the camera angle.

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