Raiders Week 11 Matchup vs. Chiefs | Sounds of the Game | Las Vegas Raiders – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Jake From State Farm

Everyone was saying how the chiefs were gonna destroy us and how it was gonna be a blowout. We bearly lost by 4 and i believe carr is better then Mahomes

    Zoviet Football League

    It’s just win baby, not just lose baby. LV can easily be 5-5 right now if it wasn’t for lucky win vs Dolts. You’d be signing a different tune. Explain why Gruden has two quality control coaches on offense but none on defense?


    @Zoviet Football League how was that a lucky win? You can also say chiefs got a lucky win vs us too then


    Carr better than Manhome?!?!? You’re high AF.


    @Beau Brady Mahomes recievers wasn’t dropping crucial passes that’s the only thing he has on Carr at this point. I’m not a believer in the Hype, Russell been doing what Mahomes does and Carr was doing the same in 2016. Mahomes is great but he still bleeds but he also has Andy Reed, Kelce, and Tyreek

    Victor Ventura

    If you watch the pro bowl micd up a few years ago Andy Reid went up to Carr and said he wanted to draft him


They need to mic more of our guys


    it was cut out due to profanity i bet

Ryan Nieto

What if Damon Arnett intercepted the pass

    big boy

    What if Abram didnt rush the qb


    We’d make the 2nd seed I believe KC would’ve lost at least one more time and us not

    Dave Durnum

    @big boy what if our dline didn’t mess up their pressure and let mahomes get that wide open.

    big boy

    @Dave Durnum what happens if there wasa flag


You can just tell We different this year , makes me pumped . Let’s go raiders , head held high on to the next !! RN4L.

Mistah J

Raiders played good but I really wanted them to close out the game with a W

Jordan Fiaui

I love being a raiders fan.

    Roland Hernandez

    ME TOO!

    Matthew Walden

    I became a fan around 1980. Though I’m from the Midwest I have lots of family roots in California, been there many many times. From what I know to be true The Raiders never lost their Oakland fans when they moved to LA, they just gained more fans in SoCal. I’m not sure how this plays out with them moving to Vegas but I’ll always be a fan of the mystique. For example: Marshawn Lynch got ejected, watched the game from the stands and then rode the BART home. That’s one example. Those are my Raiders.

    Phillip Cervantez

    Hell yeah brother 💯

    Joseph Medina

    @Dohpie shut tf up


    @Joseph Medina Gtfo the comments bandwagon …. ain’t no one talkin to you

Manu Ginobilis Bald Spot

He’s what I’ll say. We’ve proven we can play with KC. We match up with them very very well. Could’ve easily swept them. Great. Now, we gotta re-focus because these next two games are by far the biggest trap games on this schedule. Atlanta and the Jets should be W’s. But you gotta go play on the field. I really REALLY hope they don’t lay an egg like we did in Jersey last year at 6-4. Something tells me it’s a different team, but we gotta go do it. I don’t want this great game and the ones against New Orleans and KC at Arrowhead to go to waste. Just win baby.

    Rocafella Gibson

    I think we different and learned from last year plus we had a lot of injuries down the stretch

    mid-90’s _ to _ early 2000’s ViBEZ

    🙏🙏🙏🙏WE NEED TO BEAT THEM…!!!!

    Brandon Negus

    Good one baby carr ain’t no mahomes lol


Watching Jason his whole career being from the DFW I hope we can convince that man to come back for another year after this one. He’s such a great dude, he’s still out here making clutch plays when we need him, and you can tell he’s such a valuable asset from a leadership standpoint.

Pure Talent

12-4 and we’re coming for the chiefs i believe


    We believe 🏴‍☠️☠️😤

    Siniestro Elite

    The only team I am worried about is the colts, if we beat them we can go 12-4

    Quan Nguyen

    @Pure Talent I believe that also 12-4 and we’re coming for the Chiefs in the playoffs no cap💯 Raidersssssssssss

    Scorpio Antonio

    @Siniestro Elite idk man , theres alot of football left . Falcons have nothing to lose so they might wanna ruin our current record , jets is an easy win , dolphins are a decent team at the moment but i wouldnt look them over , colts will be the challenge the raiders need to set up for , chargers will want pay back and broncos is a win in my book . 11-5 realistically
    We’ll see , hopefully we can prove them wrong

MEEN 519

Witten stepping up to the mic after a tough loss was a leader type move. It showed what type of player/guy he is and why he’s a Raider. *GO RAIDERS!*

    Dan DeMaio

    Thank u for that comment…some people have been dogging him lately and I have stood up for him and took a lot of flack for it. For a 37yr old man who can play TE in this league for as long as he has and still with a high degree of energy and leadership, and passion for the game… He’s a lock for the Hall of Fame…

    Romero Christian

    @Dan DeMaio yup hope he can coach for us in the future

    Dan DeMaio

    @Romero Christian I think it’s in the cards…

Thomas Barber

How was that not pass interference on Bryan Edwards

    Chris Gang

    He pulld his shoulder down damnn SMFH

    Zach Ellis

    He’s a raider

    Jr Raiddders

    It was

    paul soares


    Taylor Davis

    It for sure was but you know how it is
    It’s the Raiders vs nfl teams
    And Raiders vs referee’s

Roy Ortiz

Being a Raider fan is an honor, no better colors on the planet and the mystic


When did sounds of the game go away from players talking to just repeat or tv and radio broadcasts

daniel luna

I’m a firm believer in “one game at a time” but I gotta be honest and say, and I think I speak for more than just myself when I say, WE WANT THE CHIEFS IN JANUARY!

    mid-90’s _ to _ early 2000’s ViBEZ

    OH YEAH!!! Hopefully, ON OUR WAY TO THE SUPERBOWL!!!!!

    Romero Christian

    Ehh I wouldn’t mind making a stop in Buffalo to settle a score from earlier this year in the wildcard game

    daniel luna

    @Romero Christian sure that would be nice too

    2000 catfissh

    I hope our new pass rushers we just added five the defense what we need we already got good ground attack once defense nuts up we’ll be ready for a deep playoff run

Jess Stearns

Not feeling the whole “jackpot baby” thing….miss Greg Papa and the “Touchdooooown RRRRRRaiders!!!!”

    Alan Becerra

    Well he shouldn’t have trashed mark davis on live radio

    Jess Stearns

    @Alan Becerra is that what happened to him? Damn didnt know about the politics, I just remember him being the Raiders announcer and his legendary phrase. Jackpot baby just doesnt sit right with me

    Jacob J

    @Alan Becerra is that true? i listened to 95.7 a lot when the raiders were still in the Bay. I only ever heard Papa giving Davis admiration and phrase.
    I figured it’s cause of the move to LV and they didn’t want to pay him or something. Then SF hired him.

Oscar Garcia

They need to lose the “ jackpot baby”. I miss that “ Touchdowwwnn Raaiiideehhhrs!” – Greg Papa

    Mike Mawi

    All raiders fans miss greg papa

Raul Valdivia

The zebras threw a flag on the chiefs to save them a time out

Kxmv 24

We didn’t loose we just ran out of time

Pirate1975 ☠️

We needed to lose that one, to disprove any expectations of “oh, we got this.” on the 3rd meeting. Hungry yet humble.
Go Raiders!!! 🏆

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