40-Yard Dash Simulcam: Ruggs vs. Ross | Herbert vs. DJ & Haskins & More! – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Becca Hart


Pranav Ram

Didnt realize Kittle was THAT fast


    I didn’t either.

    Ron Jeremy

    debs99772 yeah and his speed on the gridiron isn’t much different which makes him so dangerous

    FreeTay K-47

    Well Kittle did say “I hate being the fastest guy on the field all the time”

Jonathan Ramirez




Reeyan E.


German Portela

Cant wait to see Henry Buggs III get drafted. Lmaoooo, way to misspell the title NFL Yt

    The Dez Dispenser

    German Portela way to misspell Ruggs

    German Portela

    @The Dez Dispenser bruh moment. Wooooooosh

    Harrison Husk

    @The Dez Dispenser the joke is that when the video first came out youtube spelled it Buggs instead of Ruggs lol. They’ve fixed it now obv

lebron jamez

dont you love when it says 1 second ago


Ok now simulcam that against Pablo from backyard football that kid could move


NFL is trying upload so fast they misspelled ruggs

    Dave Donle

    BadxEdits I took a screenshot of it 😂

The InvictusSamaritan

4.27, so close man.

nmb Memphis beast24

They didn’t want to show that one were Baker got burnt


I could watch these all day. Interesting to see when you compare all the players


“I see Dwayne Haskins as more of a running QB”

    Lark Da Dark

    Did Stephen A say that?

    Buffalobills 1990

    Haskins is a Slugg

    Buffalobills 1990

    And a bust

    Leorick T.

    @Buffalobills 1990 its been less than one season behind a terrible o-line on a largely dysfunctional team with a coaching change half way through.

    Yeah hes definitely a bust already, we can say that for sure


    Well to be fair Haskins did do better running than throwing in 2019

Jiddle Middle

that’s seven HUNDREDTHS of a second slower not tenths

Preston Jones



Haskins was always that cool kid that never ran in pe and just threw the football so he wouldn’t sweat

    Ø.G DeRrIcK

    MuchoMango 😭😭😭

Brett Boyd

I’m just waiting for Rich Eisen to run the 40 again

    Everything Is Guchi

    And the Simulcam with him and the other prospects.

    What do you think he’ll run this year? I hope he gets under 6 seconds

    Brett Boyd

    I’d say somewhere between 5.95-6

    Brett Boyd

    Everything Is Guchi its hilarious when the camera guy beats him


I love simalcam

Norman VanScoy

Ertz runs mid 4.7 and still manages to get open all the time. Them routes man

a n a y shiledar

Who wanted to see tyreek hill

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