2022 NFL Combine Day 3 Recap: Giants’ Options in the Draft – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

2022 NFL Combine Day 3 Recap: Giants’ Options in the Draft

During Friday's episode of Big Blue Kickoff Live, John Schmeelk sat down with Eric Edholm, Brad Spielberger, Joe Marino, and Ben Solak at the NFL Combine, powered by Amazon Web Services.

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New York Giants

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Carlos Colon

O line

    Jeffrey Abbey


    Matt Mekhaeil

    @Jeffrey Abbey jones isn’t the problem of the team


The draft isn’t going how the media thinks. If anyone drafts a safety or center too 10 they are idiots.
Stop with the talk about the center. Just stop. He is the most overrated player in the draft. He is worth taking in the 2nd but he just isn’t worth a first. I’d NEVER bet on a 280lb center in today’s NFL.
Thibodeaux will be a far better pass rusher than Hutchinson. Hutchinson will be a good player but his lack of length is gonna hurt him and he will drop. Thibodeaux will at worst be an 8+ sack a year guy and could be a STUD.
On of the tackles will be available for the Giants. Ikhem will be there are it’s POSSIBLE they both are. I know crazy right? Don’t be shocked if they are. If Jacksonville goes any other direction (like say Hutchinson measures a lot longer than he will and tests off the charts) they could both drop to the Giants.
Edge or Ikhem at 5. I agree about Penning and you should be able to trade down some, even if you get less than is ideal, and get a tackle like Penning outside of top 10. Smith is a great option is you trade down to the bottom of the first. Kid has mad talent and is only 20. Giants need to talk to Pittsburgh and convince them others are calling about the 7 to draft the QB Willis. Get their 2nd to swap ones and the draft could be phenomenal for the Giants. Trade Barkley and Bradbury for whatever picks you can get… imagine getting a 2 and 3 for the two… Giants would then have two 1s, three 2s and three 3s. That’s the dream scenario.
Guards are DEEP this draft. Real deep. There will be 5th and 6th round guards starting cause a ton of edge rushers are going in the first 2 rounds.


    @SmoothNYGiantsCast ill even help you. In the last 20 years the highest center taken was woody at 17.


    @BoneThugsNPharmacy eh, ya shouldnt have read it then. 🙂


    Well like i said, hutchinson came in with 32″ arms. He also ran a slower than expected 4.75. Surprise was Thibodeau walking out after running a 4.6. He may drop out of top 10 for that.
    Giants fans get used to the name trevon walker. FREAK combine numbers. 275 and ran a 4.51 40 amd had 34+ arms. If you built a modern passrusher from scdatch it would be him. Now just gotta home detroit or jets dont take him.

    Jerry R

    @stephen2015 Actually Mike Pouncey was drafted 15th, but close enough.


    @Jerry R you are correct. I dont know how i missed him.

Jeffrey Abbey

Kayvon and Hamilton would be an insane draft result in rd 1.


    Ikem and sauce 😏 that be a bag or kayvon and sauce


    If you draft a safety that high you should lose your job. A “good” edge has more impact than a great safety. A “good” OL does also.


    @stephen2015 id really want ikem with sauce that be nice or ikem with linderbaum that be cool too


    Btw I know I type way tooooo much. Lol. I start talking football/draft and just keep going and going and going…. Lol

Tippy Lott

Madalyen..did you lose weight??

Turkish Royal

People’s attention span is crazy these days 👀


    Yo forreal lololol

    Turkish Royal

    @Steve bro they can’t sit still.


    Bro they look in other directions and the ackward eye contact for just 1 second lol

    Turkish Royal

    @Steve looking at their phones, moving around just straight tweaking

Eric Garrison

Free agency is in 13days I think something like that getting bradberry off the books before free agency opens up would be HUGE !!!!!!


John Schmeelk….C’mon man..
you know KYLE HAMiLTON is 6’4 220..
yet Schmeelk keeps saying things like “230” “235” & “6’3” Devin Lloyd is not KYLE HAMiLTON. 😭

Spin City NYC

PFF guy was kinda fidgety..lol

Tomax Xamot

As much as I love defenders we can’t leave the first round without an OL

    Stagger Dagger

    We can definitely get a tackle in the 2nd round and be perfectly fine

    Giant Opinion Sports

    @Stagger Dagger dude, we might not be in this spot for another decade. You take advantage when you can. No more Matt Peart’s.

    Cooper Thorley

    @Giant Opinion Sports yeah you don’t get the opportunity to have stud left and right tackles for 10 years that could be us you don’t pass up on that


    @Giant Opinion Sports we arent going to be good next year 🤣

    Giant Opinion Sports

    @AceOfSpadz18K last place schedule in the worst division in football. This team is a Dak injury away from winning the East. You don’t know the future. You take the top tier tackle prospects when you can.


Madelyn should get more airtime. Plus she’s doable.


seeing next years super bowl champions
getting better
is just

peter randazzo

TY John for finally mentioning Jermaine Johnson as I believe he’s the best “all around” edge in the draft, pass rushes with power, speed,many different moves, monster against run, holds the edge, former LB who can drop in coverage , an all day motor, high football IQ total package no problem taking him at 7

    Nolan David McGarrah

    Couldn’t agree more. He’s the edge no one seems to be talking about. And no is he motivated/passionate about football questions

Greg Cimilluca

I love these. That is all.

James Palleschi

He needs to stop looking at his phone. Still luv


I see John really likes Thibadeoux

Mary Jane

Those 2 1st round picks should be OL picks. How are the Giants going to run the ball if you can’t open any holes. That has been the problem. giants gambled on ol projects for years. Just stop it and fix the Ol with solid skilled players.

David Harrison

Schmeelke has to be one of the rudest interviewers..he is always looking away or around..obviously uninterested in his guests comments!!

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