2020 Lions Draft Day 3 | Bob Quinn press conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Great draft lions!!!

Caves Youtube

One of the best drafts in a while good job Bob Quinn and Patricia!!!! #OnePride

Elijah Roberts

All that matters is your record at the end of the 2020 season.

    Jacob Olson

    Elijah Roberts preach brother

steve O

I really like the Jackson and Stenberg picks those guys are gonna make holes for the RB’s


Perfect picks 🦁🙌🏾!!

Chris Bedard

fantastic interview.

JJ Montero

Great draft Team!! Now to find a way to build that team connection. With everything that’s going on right now I hope we can. We have the O bro’s and we look great with the back field we have with Kerryon and Swift please keep Bo he was a good addition. Our D looks good let’s make this year work! Let’s bring the wins to Detroit especially with the hits we took in our state due to covid 19. From Grand Rapids to all of Michigan we got this! Our team gots this! Please no negativity we have enough as it is right now.

    Zeke McMeeken

    Bro I love this comment. The state of Michigan NEEDS a good year. I believe in bq, I’m hopeful in matp, and I’m ecstatic for this team.


    Much love brother I fully agree the entire state needs something good to hold on to and how perfect would it be for the lions to be that hope 🙏🏽

Carl Brown

YES!! That was a good draft.

Matthew Mrocca

HUNTER BRYANT TO LIONS AS UNDRAFTED FREE AGENT bobby quinn my man you’ve really outdone yourself now 😎 feel like the last few days can’t be real

    Michael Lane

    Well gee,i thought we were ok with Hockenson.(which shouldve been ed oliver or montez sweat)My what a difference 1 year makes.

Go Green

A- Draft


Great job! Boob Quinn strikes again!

joe smith

Honestly this was our best draft in years imho… outside of trading down in rd1, it was a great class

Carson Sluiter


Tj Bektashi

I compare the detroit lions to the post kd warriors


Wow. Great interview by BQ, brings good perspective into the life a GM.

mike S

I always liked bob Quinn I hope no matter what happens this year he gets another year or 2 I believe the teams that keep their front office and coaches the longest and don’t change them every 2 or 3 years are more successful franchises

cheryl hinneburg

I guess DPJ isn’t physical enough. I thought his speed and athletic ability would get him drafted.

Owen Davison

When y’all gonna reveal the jersey numbers?

Deshawn Knott

A solid draft we filled some holes looking forward to see what materialize. LET’S! GO! LIONS!

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