2019 Divisional: Seahawks at Packers Recap – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

2019 Divisional: Seahawks at Packers Recap

Go inside the Seahawks locker room to hear players and coaches talk about the team's 23-28 loss against the Green Bay Packers in the Divisional round of the NFL Playoffs at Lambeau Field.

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Jeff Curry


Stan Lee

need a better dc

    B00fpack '

    Stan Lee and pass rush they needs resign Clowney and reed and find a partner for Clowney that’s actually consistent and isn’t injury prone like ziggy

    Mike Surferson

    Our defense became way too predictable. Third down? We’re blitzing, so hit the empty space in the middle of the field vacated by the LB…. That last 3rd and 8 that the Packers had… Rodgers knew the blitz was coming so he was keyed in on Graham in the middle.

Jsjdjdjdj Jdjjdjdjdjjd

Go hawks

    Tim T

    -Atlanta Hawks are an NBA team.
    -Texas A&M, Home of The 12th Man.
    -Seattle Seagullz, home of the Gonorrhea Green clown costumes.
    -Check out that huge Oakland tattoo on Lynch’s chest

    Blasting Zekrom

    Tim T if you’re hating just get out of here. If you hate the team so much then why are you watching their videos? Go watch your team’s videos stupid.

    Tim T

    The Hawks are an NBA team in Atlanta. You are the Gonorrhea Green clown costumed Seagullz with bums crapping on your courthouse sidewalk


Just imagine how scary we would be if we were healthy. Just imagine. We would have gone to the superbowl without a doubt. The future looks bright! #GoHawks

    Mihai Grigoras

    Not sure about that. We have played inconsistently on defense and allowed very big plays and we were bad on 3rd down & long. Offensively we have accomplished nothing in the first half. I know we have to take the positives from anything, but this has been a bad game plan and we have executed it even worse than the plan has been drafted. I hope we stay humble and work our asses off but I cannot really see that fire and drive that they are talking about. Imagine if we are able to play the entire game, not just one quarter, like they are supposed to :/ Go Hawks.

    B00fpack '

    Rico Alexander why not resign hollister to a two year deal 😭😭😂and keep dissly 😭😂😂 and resign Luke keep the whole entire TE corr

    Carson Allen

    No way. Your future is more of the same. A defense that can’t hold anybody and no more Super Bowls for at least 20 more years

    Carson Allen

    @Daddy D because you are losers

    Tim T

    Your Gonorrhea Green Seagullz clown costumes are very cute,,,not scary

Arthur Gran

Playing like this in the midst of tremendous personnel loss. What strength of character!

emmit brown

Okay I’ve sobered up. Thank you Russ and DK, for giving me hope. Pete can still go kick rocks. You can’t win the game in the 1st or 2nd Qrt…. But you sure can lose it. Again! Just like vs. ATL, CAR, almost SF 13′, DAL, and now GB. Way to not trust your MVP/HOF QB in the 1st half. Pete!

P. S. Jenn is smoking hot!

Peter Cullen

Wanna know who really won yesterday?… State Farm! 😂

    Cristian Pena


Tim T

Such a beautiful morning!
Paybacks are so sweet


    Yea, Bostick sure did screw up that onsides kick

    Keshav Dhawan

    Tim T Respect. We’ll hopefully see you here next year!

    M z

    Wilson 0-4 in Green Bay 🥂

Josh Fletcher

Thank you for rekindling my alcoholism Pete.

Martin Garcia

I have been a loyal fan since 98 it won’t change now love my team GO HAWKS!!!!!!!

    Tim T

    There are 29 loyal Seagullz fans

jarrett jamieson

Well done Seahawks…proud of ya’ll ❤️😊👍🏾

    ᴇɴᴅᴇʀ -

    @Carson Allen get tf out of here hater

    Carson Allen

    @ᴇɴᴅᴇʀ – what a little snowflake anybody who disagrees with you is automatically a hater go to town clown

    ᴇɴᴅᴇʀ -

    @Carson Allen So people who are fans of another team are brain dead? What a idiot man go back to therapy

    Carson Allen

    @ᴇɴᴅᴇʀ – Not what I said.I make more in a week then you do in a month fool. You’re team is pathetic. Go find a drinking straw

    Ashley S.

    @Carson Allen little *troll* bite your tongue.
    As i see, money hasn’t bought you an I.Q., manners, class, decent taste or a suitable appearance.

Cristian Pena

I wanna know why we punted our season away on that 4th down

Andrew Nguyen

I’m so proud of the Seahawks and we will back healthier than ever

    Carson Allen

    And you will lose more than ever

    Andrew Nguyen

    Carson Allen shut up hater!

Lee Chang

Great game Seahawks, many more battles – Packers Fan


Idk, I don’t think GB scored that 1 touchdown where the helmet crossed the line but not the ball… in that case Hollister should of had gotten that touchdown against SF.. and definitely not a 1st down.. I am a little salty about that… GO HAWKS… next season!

    Tim T

    There you go attempting to think again. You jokers applauded Clowneez viscous targeting on Wentz so years of paybacks are coming for you

Keshav Dhawan


    Tim T

    Atlanta Hawks are an NBA team. You are the cheating, cheap shot, Gonorrhea Green clown costumed Seagullz

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