2011 Super Bowl XLVI: Giants vs. Patriots Highlights | “We will NOT be denied!” | New York Giants – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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One day we will be back! What a great super bowl that was.

Aaron Dandurand

We will NOT be denied next season, like if you agree.


    We need a real miracle man.We don’t have a good O line like what we had then and the Defense is nowhere near as great as they were we need some pieces in both those spots and receivers and that can get open more

    Aaron Dandurand

    @R2D2 4 DIESEL CHU PING GUUZER Agreed, get some O-Lineman Dave G.!

Charles Grady

patsies twice out coached, out played & watched live by over 100 million people worldwide

Luciano Souza Ienny

2:42 best throw off ALL-TIME

    terry fromm

    Can’t throw a better pass, ever.


Last Giants team to have great overall depth besides 2016 playoff team but i wouldn’t say that 2016 had great depth.


    We couldn’t even score over 20 points in a match

Quercus 53

Been a Giants fan since 1968 ….seen it all……..good and bad…..mostly bad!
Fans would wear paper bags on their heads………but a certain draft came along
that changed the ways for the Giants….. his name……..Lawrence Taylor!
What a player….for me……the best linebacker ever!!!!!what an athlete,such strength
lightning quick…..the most feared man in professional football,you know he could
Throw the football 80-90 yards………..thanks Lawrence!
I like what management is doing and what their intentions are………they’re ultra focused!
The Giants will be back winning……….probably the second oldest team in the NFL!
To all the fans hang in there a bit longer…it will be worth it!

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