13 Seconds…DO IT, KELCE! | Inside Scoop Divisional Playoffs – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Let’s go Kansas City! 13 seconds is all Mahomes needs! Let’s win it all!


    Technically it was 10👍👍👍👍

    Umar Z Aziz

    Yup the greatest NFL game won’t mean anything if you don’t go all the way to become Super Bowl champ

    Daniel Vasquez

    13 seconds is all I need too lol
    P.s. let’s go KC!!!

    Bernabe Vigil




    Jackson Anderson

    He needed Kelces reads on this one


Kelce did in fact, do it.


    And Mahomes and Hill


    I read this hearing the narrator from Arrested Development

    Diego Damas

    @Anasetsuken hahaha, nice

    Harvey M

    And the next week Pat Mahomes would lose in 13 seconds in overtime and the world would make sure the Chiefs and their fans would never forget.

Josh Lingo

Legendary, GO CHIEFS !!!

Alexander Slade

Thank you Patrick, not only for the clutch performance, but for giving a new meaning to “13 seconds…wtf!?” in my relationship.

    Ryan Flanagan


    Ryan Flanagan

    My birthday on February 13 super bowl

    Ryan Flanagan

    Go chiefs

    William D

    is that what she said?

    Diego Damas

    @William D Indeed, I think it is hahaha

Kevin Atkins

So many winners on this team!!! They excel in every aspect of the game!! Love my Chiefs!!!❤💛❤🔥🔥🔥🏈🏈🏈


Let’s Go Chiefs Kingdom! I love this team!

Rich Grisham

Greatest football game ever.

Nick Pratt

It only took 13 seconds to make them regret celebrating😂


That’s what I’ve always said, “Never give up on the Chiefs”!


Mahomes told everyone on that field who he was going to throw it to, and they still couldn’t stop him. Ice cold.

    KingJamie The Mad

    Was sooo awesome

    Ronald Williams

    And what game was that. I recall Kelce calling the last 2 plays leading to that field goal. Or was I watching the wrong game??

    Danny Boy

    @Ronald Williams he literally yelled “kelce do it” mid cadence..?😂

    Vinyl LP Reviews

    Larry Bird once told the guy that was guarding him, im goingbto hit a 3 over in that corner to win the game, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Bird hit a 3 from that corner.

    That’s how legends are made.

    Vinyl LP Reviews

    @Ronald Williams this game, Mahomes literally says “do it Kelce” pre snap before last play before game tying fg.

how bout those CHIEFS

You LOVE to see it! History being made.

oh well 24

Bills didn’t learn anything from when the 49ers started celebrating against the chiefs in the Superbowl.

clinton hughes

Incredible… I’ll remember this game forever.

Stephen Lennartz

Can’t. Stop. Thinking about this game! Go Chiefs!


The Bills really didn’t even do anything wrong – the Chiefs just did everything right. Honestly though, 13 seconds? Who could stop the Chiefs train at that point

    Daniel Gadek

    The Bills didn’t do anything wrong? They literally did not contest two of the top 10 offensively players in the world on two consecutive plays wtf ??? It’s a blueprint for how to lose the game in 10 seconds. They literally could have done anything else and had a better shot. The only thing they couldn’t do was give up 20-30 yards two plays in a row and they did. Like they were trying to stop a Hail Mary both times as if they were up by 4


    They seem to nearly always do well under horrendous pressure. 😂😂😂. Love them. 👍


    Why were they rushing to tackle Kelce? 00:33 If the Bills let the clock run out, IT’S OVER in regulation. POOR KNOWLEDGE OF THE GAME or am I missing something? 2:02 He’s down by contact, but if they didn’t touch him and left him alone on the ground, the clock runs out. He wasn’t going to make it to the 10 yard line and have time to call a timeout — I don’t think, plus he dove before being tackled (touched).

Carlos Garcia

Allen: “They should’ve never left me 1 minute on the clock….”
Mahones: “They should’ve never left me 13 seconds on the clock….”

Logan Murphy

I’ve watched this 65 times and I still love it

Larry Ward

Before watching the two passes to Hill and Kelse I admit that I was extremely skeptical of what the chiefs could even do to give themselves a chance for a tie score to take it into overtime. Now I just keep shaking my head in awe of how poised and precise they seemed to be in the face of seemingly impossible odds. It was an amazing ending to what I think was the best NFL game I’ve ever seen … almost college-like.


    The bills basically let them walk down the field for some reason idk why

    Diego Damas

    @RuffBuff716 it’s because 98% of teams in the situation the Chiefs were in there look to do a quick yardage gain to the sidelines there. They did have three time outs, but less than ten seconds on the clock at that point. I think they thought it anything down the middle would be too short of a gain to matter at that point, because unless Kelce or whoever somehow goes 30+yards up the middle AND gets down instantly, how do the Chiefs win? What the answer ended up being is I think nerves in the moment. If the bills just wait a couple seconds to tackle him, or the Chiefs do the expected thing and go to the sidelines, or they throw a hail Mary, or just do anything besides what they did, the Chiefs lose. The real mistake the bills made was to kick off into the end zone. But again, high pressure, have to make the exact right call and what if it got returned somehow by Pringle who is also lightning fast by the way. End of the day the Chiefs just had more experience in situations like those, whereas the Bills clearly thought they had it in the bag with ONLY THIRTEEN SECONDS LEFT. Big mistake, but not as crazy as it might seem in my opinion. Football is a lot easier to judge in hindsight than it is in the moment, ESPECIALLY in season deciding games like these.

    Michael Bailey

    I’ve never seen it happen before in an NFL game never less than 30seconds on the clock and they get into field goal range to tie it up and force overtime? and not a chip shot field goal either not a 30 35 or 40 yarder I’m talking about an almost 50 yarder as time expires? wow just wow no KC deserved that win far as I’m concerned great game but KC deserved that one!


    @Diego Damas no they had their timeouts they were def going to try to get yards not attack the middle of the field. Anyways the bills played off 20 yards basically allowing them to pick up the yards to kick the field goal twice. The bills looked like they literally wanted to go into overtime

Afterthoughts of Solitude

Look how many Chiefs players were calling for a timeout after Kelce went down, amazing situational awareness by the team. It’s what separate great teams from mediocre ones.

    Blia Yang

    That’s kind of obvious. You shouldn’t playing pro if you weren’t aware of that situation.


One of my favorite parts of the end of regulation was every time a team scored, you looked at the game clock and wondered if they scored with too much time remaining. It was that type of game.

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