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Justin Lee

What a class act!! Uno is ELITE and humble.

    Tony Varona

    And having fun!!


    I know what you meant by Uno(#1)….however…look up the meaning of Uso/Uce (which is what initially what I thought you meant). You may have heard the players refer to Tua as their “Uce” in interviews. THAT’S how you know this team is TIGHT.

Enrique Comas

Tears of effen joy. Go Phins. Phination can’t be anymore happy for our dog, Tua “The Samoan Sniper”

    Alex Augustin

    I love Tua. That’s my quarterback!!!

    Tikki DeBeaux

    🗣What more can I say… Top Billin!!

    Ane Sauni

    🇼🇸 🇦🇸 🔥


It is such a joy to see Tua enjoying himself! Thank you Mike McDaniel for helping Tua cook!

Bodey Breaks

The transformation of Tua with the right coach is amazing. He looks so happy out there

    Anthony Scotto

    It seems the whole team is happy glad to see them doing well and playing at a high level after many years of playing medicore

    Filthy Kallahan

    @Anthony Scotto Many years? You mean 2 years, part of them injured. Tua has NEVER played mediocre. He’s always been good. This year he’s great


    If you had 10 TD’s and no picks you’d be happy too.

    Anthony Scotto

    @Filthy Kallahan I meant as a team not tua

    Seth Mohs

    @Niko Pagkanlungan I doubt he will

Enoch Eyim-Danquah

I love seeing Tua happy. Such a different dimeanor than when Flo was here.

    I Cunt Spell

    @Joshua Whitestone

    Which game? Tell me.


    Flores was trash.

    Tafao Family

    Flo was a cancer and a cry baby who played the racist card when the gm and players who didn’t like him were black 🤔

Billy Johnson

28 years of being a Dol-Fan and it is FINALLY nice to have a franchise QB and an amazing head coach. I can’t wait for the years to come with these 2. Truly blessed. Fins Up!

    Paul A

    41 here. never seen anything like this before. hope it never ends.

    DaGreat PhinsFan

    Same here Billy! Since the season began, I truly felt that this team was playoff ready. Now, Tua is consistent with a great coach in McDaniels; why not the superbowl.

    Time 2 Chill

    I believe this is the birth of a new dynasty! We’ve waited too long!!!

    Time 2 Chill

    @Sean Quinn I feel ya. I’m 44 and grew up thinking we had a great team who could get in the playoffs each year. Oh how times have changed since then, but glad to finally see something special being built here again!


    I’m a loser compared to this guy

yu dodis

Just look at this dude!! Look at him in this vid… no one can tell me hiring mcdaniel isnt the best thing this franchise has done since drafting Marino… sorry but flo had to go so we could get the best head coach in the league… I’m so happy for tua and everyone on the team.. I cannot believe how much fun they’re having and how well they’re playing and this transformation happened in 1 off-season.. that’s insane! This is gonna be normal for years to come… what a bright future the Miami dolphins have… finally we got it figured out 💜

    Niko Pagkanlungan

    Flo had to go even if we got a top 20 coach. Nobody good wanted to stay and play, let alone coach for him.

Lynette Lockhart

He’s such a wholesome dude. Very easy to root for. Looking forward to everything else he’s about to achieve!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾


This is the Tua! Productive and happy! Watching him and Coach McD, they’re like brothers…Best friends. Amazing to watch this! We luv us some Tua

    Clay Slack

    I want whatever you think will score us a touchdown 😂😂 funny as hell

    Robert Maisonet

    @Clay Slack Its a marriage made in heaven. They mutually trust each other and the ultimate product is a thing of beauty and its probably going to get better.

paint can dan

i love this team so much. i don’t know any of these guys personally but i would give them my kidney if they asked for it. miami fans have waited so long for a team like this. and we’re just really happy for tua, he deserves to shine.

    Nathaniel Williams

    Trust me I understand I have been a fan since 1981 I was born in 81 all I know is the Miami Dolphins

    Mister Tellez

    EXACTLY!!! It is fun watching them now!

    Mason Burrito

    I’m the happiest dolphins fab ever

God's Word in the Heavens

The chemistry that Tua and Mike McDaniel have is unbelievable. You can tell they really care and love each other. It’s fascinating to watch. Don’t be surprised when they win the Super Bowl. This team is SPECIAL.


I’ve been a dolphins fan for 22 years of my 30 year old life…a die hard fan at that. I remember that 1-15 year like it was yesterday. Something about this team just feel different, unlike any other dolphins team I’ve had the ability to watch. Every time I see them play it puts a big smile on my face. They get better and better every year for the last 2-4 years. This years gonna go down in the books. Glad to be here to see it happen. Keeping grinding fellas.

    Relentless Media

    Thank God for Greg Camarillo and that 64 yard slant to secure that one win that season. #FinsUp

    Joshua Whitestone

    I’m 31 and it’s definitely been a hard road to get here. What could’ve been with Saban and Brees but now it’s paying off with tua and McDaniel. We’re being rewarded for our patience finally!


    @Relentless Media against the damn ravens haha I was so happy to not have a perfect winning season AND a perfect losing season lmao


    @Joshua Whitestone that’s the truth! I can’t wait to see where the rest of this season goes! Let’s keep routing until the end!

Al Amores

For all you Phin fans out there, if you haven’t watched the full episodes of when Tua won the Elite 11, watch it asap. I’ve been a huge fan of his since then. Trent Dilfer and all the coaches were effusive in praising Tua. His mindset is the same now as it was when he was a teenager. He’s transcendent.

    Siri J

    Watched him since he was 15 in Hawaii. Never seen another player make the crowed oohh and aweee constantly. Best player I’ve seen in 40 years and there was alot. Shoot the previous QB at his high school won a Heisman

M R Sullivan

42 years old and have been a Fin Fan my entire life. Been a long time since there’s been so much to cheer for. So glad we got this group this season. Finish strong and make a deep playoff push. FinsUp!!

    Lester Green

    42 also. Fin for 30 years and I feel you

Corey Morales

I’m a life long Dolphin fan. It’s been rough through the years. When we first drafted Tua, I was skeptical (Also, I can’t stand Alabama since I’m a Gator) I wasn’t sure about his injury status, although I have always admired his abilities. With all of that being said, fast forward to now, I’ve never been prouder to be a dolphin fan. I love my team and the energy and positivity that Coach brings. McDaniel is a genius and has really supported Tua and has believed in him. That has translated to an amazing metamorphosis of his game as an NFL quarterback. The additions that Grier has made to support Tua is amazing to witness. We have the team, we have the leadership and we have that undefeatable spirit that could potentially be a dynasty in the making. Phins up!


    Im a Bama and Dolphin fan. Im loving it

    Hunter Duncan

    Same uga fan and always said Tua was best coming from bama happy he on our phins 🐬

Ritchard Ohnmacht

Made me smile hearing the crowd chant mvp for Tua.. u imagine he feels so confident n loved now by the dolphins fans now that he’s coming into his own. My boys finally have a very good squad! Scary how good we could be if we can get this type of play consistently!!!!! 🐬🆙 Till I die!

    Alex Augustin

    Well, sadly we just lost Emmanuel Ogba and we’ve lost some other key guys as well. But I guess next man up. I believe in this team. I love Tua. I think making the playoffs this year would be huge for our confidence moving forward. #Phinsup

    Billy Jones

    Can’t wait to see a healthy defense. If not this year I see a sb in the next few years

Saint Michael

I love this young man. He deserves all the praise he’s getting now and in the future. I’m really starting to believe this is going to be a magical season!

Cole Knoebel

The energy tua brings is electrifying. No wonder we win every game he plays. He is our energy. He is the MVP


I almost cried watching this. WTF.

We been through a lot the last 15 years guys….this is insane.
There’s room on the bandwagon, everyone is welcome, just know there’s fans that are touched by these performances we you guys are def different than any other team personality wise and genuine characters. Love you all <3

    Billy Jones

    I don’t want no bandwagon fans. For what so they can jump off when things change? Smh. I want real fans like myself that will be fins fans forever nomatter how good or bad we are. Go FINS

    Edoardo Vicario

    Chiefs fan but I got a Tua jersey the week before his debut.
    If we gotta go out against someone in the AFC I hope it’s gonna be you. And if you dare beat us y’all better go win the chip.

    Marc Lucas

    Try the last 20 years…

    Billy Jones

    @Edoardo Vicario your a Tua fan not a fins fan.

    Tom DeLong

    @Edoardo Vicario I’m a fins fan first but I always root for the Chiefs unless we are playing them

Omar Raja - ESPN

This is amazing, he’s so happy.




    Aye man look who it is!?! Dolphins looking good this year Omar!!!!

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