1 on 1 with new Lions GM Brad Holmes – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

1 on 1 with new Lions GM Brad Holmes

Tori Petry sits down with new Lions general manager Brad Holmes to talk about his scouting philosophy, influences and his connections to the city of Detroit.

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benjamin cuevas

I’m in love with tori.

    Combat Sack

    @Divine_Wrath haha

    Iceman 19

    I’m in love with Sheila! 😍

    Iceman 19

    @Jonathan Franks If that man wants to hit them guts, let him be.

    benjamin cuevas

    I’m in love with Martha.

    Brian Fox

    @Iceman 19 sheila would get it


So glad to have him

Icebaby Nard

He remembered his whole speech 😂😂😂👏🏾welcome to the lions 🦁

ps2 Sports Gaming

welcome to Detroit Brad Holmes

BiGhEaD TaE86

Onepride let’s not run this one out if he don’t come thru in the 1st season as GM him and the COACH ok….k!!!!

    Brendan Sanback

    Hey, Cleveland had years of woes before they got to where they are. I believe in this rebuild for the Lions!

    yayo badass

    Tbh we only have 5 picks I dnt think we cn do to much with that so I really dnt expect him to have a big year bt that dnt mean he won’t bt I will say better have big year in second season especially if dnt have big year dis comin up season


I really like Holmes as GM, I like Campbell as HC, at this point I think it comes down to the coordinator picks

    Jayden Serino

    We got a Dc!

    Jayden Serino

    Hopefully we can keep bevell

Joseph Noble

He’s not trying to be the smartest guy in the room. He’s a little awkward. That’s a good sign. Let him work in the background. We’ll see what he does this season.

    Carter Farris

    I like him a lot, but you could not get more awkward than Bob Quinn😂

    Jeremy Rutherford

    Ya i really like him too, but he does have his phrases and stories that he is sticking too across interviews. this is probably the most media attention he’s ever had tho, so its understandable!


    Or could it be that he’s not smartest guy in the room?

TheBrad Menendez

Welcome Mr. Holmes, praying for a successful career with us! #OnePride

amoneybags vernon

Draft LB Micah Parson we need linebackers with some speed and can cover



    RONExMusik -

    No Christian Harris

    Josh -

    Lions need both WR and LB let’s see what they go with but both huge positions of need

Kristopher Campbell

Seems so much more approachable than Quinn

John Sharnetsky

Fresh start. We need to come together support this new team. I’m tired of being cynical. I could use a little positivity and optimism in all things, including the Lions. I stand with Barry and Chris. Let’s make this happen.


The best thing to happen to the Lions since drafting Calvin Johnson. I believe in this guy


    He look like he could be CJ Dad

John Nieckarz

God, I wish this man all the luck in the world. Feels like he belongs here. This team hasnt had much personality since Suh left. With this GM and coach the team has no choice but to create their own identity.


Please bring Calvin back; that article killed me a little inside.

    yayo badass

    The Ford ain’t goin let that happen

Hank Wild

Brad “that’s a great question” Holmes

    Jacob Sorenson


Asiant Orange

A rebuild in Detroit will start and end with the DRAFT a detrimental issue compounded over the years with a front office that simply couldn’t recognize talent on the next level. I like this hire, and it should serve to solve these issues

Cody Adams

Let’s build that “house” , coach

Carey Waldie

Seems like a sharp dude.

yayo badass

To me it seem like he really goin try his hardest to change the Detroit Lions round. I didn’t really get that frm to many other GM we had or coach for that matter. If that’s the case we must trade Stafford for extra picks we cnt let him hit the free agency dnt get nothin for him like we did suh hell that go for any players I really hope that he change the Lions tbh even doe it seem like he goin really wrk hard to try change the Lions I be happy with if he cn get a division tittle an a playoff win anythin else l I just dnt have confidence in Detroit owner bt I will say dis hopeful he cn prove me wrong I’m just nt givin the Lions benefit of the doubt anymore until they prove to me they cn be constantly a playoff team every year


Why is this girl tori the face of the lions? She is not good at all. If lions are cleaning house then she should be part of the sweep. go away tori, u are useless.

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