1-on-1 with Missi Matthews: Cameron Heyward – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

1-on-1 with Missi Matthews: Cameron Heyward

Missi Matthews goes 1-on-1 virtually with Cameron Heyward to discuss the 2020 season, who impressed him, looking ahead to 2021 and more.

Steelers’ host Missi Matthews sits down with your favorite Steelers players both past and present. The show offers an in-depth look at the players both on and off the field.

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Landon Uesele

Steeler Nation!

ivan black

Yes !

Marcus Fallon

Ya bra

Marcus Fallon

Yo dogs you happy Tampa won or no

Marcus Fallon


Jesse Orosz

Loving the beard Cam!!!

Thomas Lyons

Steelers til I die!

Alley Oop !

If Ben comes back as long as we dont need much of him we can win it,we need a great back like “Trey Sermon OSU” and a healthy defense,we can do it.

    JB Jacobs

    Despite the fact that Ben didn’t play well in the beginning of the Cleveland game there was one difference between him and Brady – Brady actually had a defense that made up for it multiple times. In the game vs GB, Brady really tried very hard to give that game to GB, but the defense would NOT allow it. In the SB, Brady threw for 201 yards. I mean, really. The defense said F this, we’re winning it. And they did. They were the MVP. Once again, it went to a QB that was mediocre at best (SB 42, 46, 41 – in other words every Manning SB).


    @JB Jacobs Brady threw for 201 AND 3 TD with 0 INT. Brady got them a nice lead and relied on the RUN game to close it out, something we don’t have.

    JB Jacobs

    @jw1 I agree, and that is the thing, not only did the defense will the win, but yes, they actually had an OL that could protect and a running game that existed. I find it funny when other teams lose because of lack of running game (KC, Buff seemed indifferent to running all year), it is the great opposing team. When they can’t protect and have no run, it doesn’t work – no matter WHO the QB is – that is perfectly shown in the SB on both sides (who is better than Mahomes, right?) – not having it sucked for KC, having it worked for TB. Take a hint, Pittsburgh.

King ban

Steeler nation

JB Jacobs

Whomever thumbed down Cam Heyward can expect a knock on your door and a huge sack. WTH?

Doc Harrison

I want Big ben back with Najee harris in the backfield with a tough O line that can be unpredictable! Defense just needs to stay healthy 😩

Gary H

I’d like to see the journals be compiled into a book after retirement.

Naeem Khalfani


Tino De Jesús

Vamos mis steelers por una buena temporada tenemos defensa

Emilio Arrubarrena

0:29 that broke my heart 🤧

No one Ya know

Cam has been my favorite Steeler for about the last 5 years and I think is one of the all-time best. I hope he continues to stay healthy and dominates!

Keith Hart

Cam your dad was the best!!

albert horta

We need to get this great man a ring cmon Rooney go all out we don’t have much time with all these older great leaders in the team.

Carlos Marmolejo

no more tomlin ,years and years dont wont nothind out right now

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