1 on 1 with GM Bob Quinn ahead of the NFL Combine – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

1 on 1 with GM Bob Quinn ahead of the NFL Combine

Tori Petry sits down with general manager Bob Quinn to talk about Matthew Stafford's status at quarterback, where free agency negotiations stand and what's on the table for the No. 3 pick in this year's NFL Draft.

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You better be successful

Boogaloo Shrimp

Bobbo is a clown! All of his draft picks have been busts except for Golladay.


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So there is a possibility of drafting a punter


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    Diego Ospina


Kyle Renneberg

The rumor started with Mel Kiper Jr! As a Detroit Lions fan I honestly don’t mind you guys drafting a quarterback at number 3 as long as you guys don’t sell Matthew Stafford because once you sell Matthew Stafford me being a fan goes with Matthew Stafford my loyalty to Detroit end! Stafford is Detroit Detroit is Stafford

    BLacK Rose641

    He’s been given a referendum to win now he can’t afford to draft for the future as a lions fan who can’t remember winning the NFC North I can’t afford to draft for the future take the best player available position yourself to win next year. We will regret passing on Brown or the corner from Ohio State.

    Gregory Megatron

    I thought about going wherever Barry went when I was younger, but he didn’t change teams so I’m still here 😆 I dont think I’ll leave the Lions for anyone but wouldn’t blame anybody that does.

    Scott McClellan

    @BLacK Rose641 I do not understand comments like this from fans, DO you not understand that What Mrs Ford said was “posturing” for the fans? Do you also not understand that fans have turned her words into something they were not? Most fans are saying they make the playoffs or get fired. Firstly, She never even mentioned the job security. Secondly she said was “To be clear, our expectation is for the Lions to be a playoff contender in 2020.” TO ME this simply means Fans you deserve to have a team that is still relevant in December so every game matters and we fully intend to provide that to you in 2020″ Where in there does she say “make the Playoffs”? She does not she says playoff “contender” 2 different things.. Then where in there does she say “OR else” so to speak? She does not, she just says it is our expectation to be…(to me meaning she is reassuring the fans that the plan is working better than the record in 2019 indicates). Furthermore, if you put it in context, just prior to that she said “As we evaluate this season, we look beyond just our record. We are striving to build a team with a strong foundation of high-character players and coaches, that is physically and mentally tough, with depth at every position and one that can be successful over many years, not just one season. We see signs of this foundation in our team’s toughness, competitiveness and culture. Injuries happen in the NFL and are never an excuse. Nonetheless, our team has played through serious injuries this season to some of our best players. Despite the injuries, we have remained competitive in each game and our team depth showed up as a strength.
    We also believe that the most successful teams in our league have a long-term plan, stability in leadership and exhibit patience to follow their plan. To that end, we are committed to year three of Coach Patricia’s plan.” Which again to ME is saying we understand this team is progressing toward what our LONG TERM PLan is, We understand our record was not good and these are the primary reasons we think that happened. and we Have a PLAN and MP is implementing it and.. we expect we will be playoff contenders in 2020″ Nothing More Nothing Less…to me the entire “WIN NOW MANDATE” is a psychological Delusion created by fed up fans and NOT what she said at all.

    Lastly, Bob Q has more skill and business sense than any GM we have had in my lifetime and he has said publicly he WILL NOT adjust how he drafts/signs players he always considers a balance of what can I do to win now and what can I do to plan for the future and frankly if he did it any other way I would want him fired. Suggesting he wont consider the long term needs of the franchise is an irresponsible position usually stated by those who have never been leaders or managers.


    The rest of us will gladly trade you and Stafford for a late 1st round pick. Bye bye to both of you.

    Scott McClellan

    @Michael speak for your self, I for one understand that Stafford is the Glue that has allowed this team to not be a 0-4 win team EVERY year for the last 10. HE is finally getting a real team built around him and now is NOT the time to bail on him, he WILL surprise closed minded fans like you if given the chance.

Brent Stack

Now you’re gonna get it Bobby!…. A playoff win! Please get a wall for Stafford

Mommy Dolly

Safe picks plug in players team captains yada yada yada Boob Quinn p.s. he’s such a genius 😲

Anthony L


Robert Selman


Life Rebooted

One thing Quinn has shown is that he does not have the balls to make a trade with first round picks. Now that he has been given a win or get fired order from the owner he really wont trade the first round pick.



    Diego Ospina


    BLacK Rose641

    @STEVE FRIEND the cornerback from Ohio State is a pro bowl player the D tackle from Auburn is a pro bowl player, dont over think this.

Ryan Flanagan


Ryan Flanagan

I am big New Orleans Saints fan

Ryan Flanagan

Go New Orleans Saints

DemetriusDarnell Wrenn

They gotta get it right . No excuses


This guy knows what he’s doing. Unfortunate circumstances have held this team back. There isn’t a team in the NFL that could win with 20 players on IR. Every GM misses on draft picks occasionally. And the realistic fans (not the idiotic, fake, unnecessarily negative SOL fans) know this thing can get turned around quick.

    Basil Alqadhi

    What has he done right since he was hired? We’ve gotten worse every year since he arrived, you are an absolute moron if you think this guy knows what he’s doing, he’s Matt millen jr

Sarcastic Jedi

I have been a Lions fan since 1989. Every year its the same crap. Please give me something to cheer for this year. Please.

Basil Alqadhi

FIRE THIS IDIOT BOB QUINN!!!!! 4 years in and we’ve gotten worse every year, he can’t draft or sign players, hired an awful coach, destroying the Lions!!!!!! Open your eyes people we are going through Matt millen era again this guy can’t do anything right he’s clueless

    Sheldon Relerford

    Sad to say you might be right
    … smh

Andrew Werner

Tua or Burrow, simple. The Patriots, Saints and Packers have been going to the playoffs almost nonstop for 10-20 years because they have great QBs and built a team around them.


Bob Quinn is pure trash!
Patricia is pure trash!
All but one of their draft picks have been trash. They will have another trash draft. Even with a high pick giving them a 50/50 shot at a great player. They will probably draft a O-linemen at 3…

Scott McClellan

Listen Carefully at 7:05 Guys this is how I listen…. BQ is telling us…”IF we Trade Slay we WILL sign another veteran Corner, also, We WILL LIKELY sign a Veteran Safety, also WE very well “May sign a Veteran Running Back (which BTW I am not sure I agree with that, but Maybe in year 3 he will consider Kerryon as Veteran Enough). he is also saying Watch these OLDER patriots guys we may add 1 or 2 of them as Veteran Leaders to mentor our young guys… That’s what I heard….lol

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