🚨 ONE JETS DRIVE IS BACK 🚨 | 2021 Season Trailer | The New York Jets – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Gonna be a special year!

    John Ratcliffe

    I wasn’t aware more failure was special



Shane O'Neill

Can’t wait!

    John Ratcliffe

    Yeah the lulz this squad is gonna give opposing fanbases every Sunday and on a Thursday night is gonna be something embarrassing to watch

    Shane O'Neill

    @John Ratcliffe Nah.

    John Ratcliffe

    @Shane O’Neill they’ve done nothing to improve but yeah can’t wait

Lindles J

I’ll be watching for sure!!

Joseph Bruno

Let’s goooo.🤙


Lets go Jets!

Eddie Chedz

A new era for this team is on the horizon! Flight 2021 left me wanting more! Looking forward to the return of 1JD!

Frank Marcopolos - Audiobooks

(Obligatory) CAN’T WAIT!!!!

TylerMarion TV

Haven’t been this excited for a Jets season in a while

Legend Killa

Awesome news! I was worried that the four episode arc for Flight 2021 was going to be all this year.

Bang Riyan Fishing




Frankie V

I was real excited for this season until you guys lowballed Marcus maye

Moshe Shapiro

To quote the great Bart Scott “CANT WAIT”


Flight 2021 and Jets One Drive! Can‘t get and better! All Gas no Break!

Eliud Neri

This guy talks like Eric Taylor in Friday night lights! These guys are gonna play their hearts out for them! It’s finally time to enjoy a season. Honestly idc about the playoffs right now. Let’s fall In with Jets football again

Miguel Duran

Never knew we went to sleep! We out here baby! J E T S


All Gas, No Gase!

Also, PLEASE finish the series instead of just suddenly stopping when/if the Jets are doing poorly.

Mike Pelligrino


Mike Pelligrino

The same people that loved Darnold love Wilson…..

    Raidel Hernandez

    No was a sam darnold hater since day 1 I wanted baker instead

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